--- "J. R. Molloy" <jr@shasta.com> wrote:
> As primatologists know, the small statistical
> differences between the DNA of
> apes and humans account for the fact that
> primatologists are humans rather
> than chimpanzees.
Um... it appears you have a misunderstanding about
what a "statistical difference" is...
While you can state the amount of difference between
humans and other apes in terms of statistics (1%
difference?) there is a 100% statistical difference
between humans and apes in some characteristics.
There is no overlap.
Every human has the difference compared to every ape.
A statistical difference for any characteristic
between races (or sex) means that some or all members
of one race (or sex) place within the limits for
another(e.g. IQ)... in other words, you could not look
at a person's IQ and from that alone determine what
race a given person came from.
The difference is statistical ONLY.
I hope that clears it up for you.
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