Re: The World's Fastest Political Quiz

From: KPJ (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 22:42:13 MDT

It appears as if Mike Lorrey <> wrote:
|I said that military service should be mandatory and a maybe on free
|immigration. I believe that without significantly large national
|professional fulltime (i.e. mercenary) military, that every person
|should be equipped and capable of acting in their own defense and that
|of the political unit they belong to. A libertarian society mandates
|each individual be skilled in military matters, else they are
|externalizing their defense costs on others. I believe the quiz, in this
|instance, is therefore incorrect.

I believe you have made a slight mistake in your analysis above.

A libertarian society would wish to refuse membership for those who do
not fill their requirement for membership. If a membr of such a society
did not (a) equip and train for armed combat, or (b) pay some police force
company to do that, that member would simply state its wish to refrain
from defending itself, a somewhat unusual request, but still a perfectly
valid request from any free entity. We should not wish to abridge that
members way to live its life.

You stated your wish to live as a member of a corporeal entity, a nation
as it were, built on mandatory service to the collective. Others may wish
to use the market economy model instead, and hire specialists for their
security services. As you do not, it indicates your rightwingedness, a
tendency to view your local group as an extended family, instead of a
market, which would be the libertarian market economy model.

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