RE: Definition of Racism (without rent-a-riot)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 10:27:22 MDT

Jerry Mitchell writes

> [Lee Corbin wrote]
>> My usage of the term needs criticism: "A racist is someone who is
>> automatically antagonistic towards someone else just because of
>> that person's race."
> You asked for it ;) I think it could be argued that someone could in fact
> believe that a particular race is inherently superior without taking any
> action based on that.

I didn't mean to imply that action had to be taken. Thanks for the
correction. It should now read

"A racist is someone who automatically feels antagonistic towards
someone else just because of that person's race."

> I think its the philosophy itself that is the problem.
> Actions are predated by thoughts, thoughts are framed
> within a philosophy.

I don't think so. The philosophy comes last in people,
if ever. The philosophy is constructed and rationalized
after the thoughts. As for thoughts, sometimes they precede
action, and sometimes are preceded by action.


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