I scored 23 on the libertarian purity test! :( I just did not have the guts to slash gov't programs which Americans love so much. I was all for slashing taxes though... lol!
And I still worry that the whole world would go to hell in a handbasket without a militarily strong Uncle Sam. Pax Americana!!
Libertarianism is great in small doses(don't laugh), but a real "slash and burn" libertarian program to radically transform the present United States totally scares the hell out of me. It would be treading into very deep, dark and uncharted waters...
Obviously, as singularity spawning technologies come to be over the next several decades, we will have opportunities to embark on some great libertarian experiments.
I was told by the site:
16-30 points: You are a soft-core libertarian. With
effort, you may harden and become pure.
best wishes,
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