Re: Racism thread on the Extrolist

From: John Grigg (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 05:14:18 MDT

Eliezer wrote:
And if discussion were necessary, it doesn't need to happen on Extropians! We're talking about infusing the body with respirocytes and growing extra pairs of arms, not to mention transcending Homo sapiens the
species; it is BENEATH us to notice someone's skin color even for the sake of discussing why we don't care about it! We are finished! Over! Done
with! We've walked over the hills and under the seas so far beyond the realm where skin color is noticeable that it is backsliding even to notice that we're not noticing it!

Fortunately or unfortunately, Extropians live in basically the same world as everyone else(or at least the same planet!). And so the problems of the mundane world seep into the list even when unwanted...
best wishes,


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