Re: Definition of Racism (was "Vicious Racism")

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 19:00:47 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 10:44:17 -0400
> Michael Wiik <> extropians <> Re: Definition of Racism (was "Vicious Racism")Reply-To:
>Mike Lorrey <> wrote:
>> Loree Thomas wrote:
>> >
>> > --- Jerry Mitchell <> wrote:
>> > > labeled racist (neat trick for a black cop to be
>> > > racist of blacks).
>> >
>> > Not such a trick at all. Happens constantly.
>> Yeah, anyone who doesn't support rent-a-riot politics must be racists,
>> and if they are black, they are Uncle Toms....
>Uh, I'm not sure I understand. However, I think there's more to the cop
>dynamic here. From some article relating to the local PG police my
>impression was that black police officers become cops first and black
>second, and that displays of racism against other blacks serves to meld
>them into the police force and make them more acceptable to fellow white
It's because cops, trivially, exist within cop culture, and identify and socialize with fellow officers more than they do with racial conspecifics, many of whom stigmatize police due to their status as the enforcement arm of what they perceive as unjust laws against victimless crimes. Most blacks, similarly, exist in a black culture that most nonblacks do not share. This addresses the issue of black-on-black crime; the criminals committing it are not racists, but, trivially, criminals, exploiiting targets of opportunity, and since black criminals move mainly within black cultural circles, most of their targets of opportunity are black.
> -Mike
>Michael Wiik
>Messagenet Communications Research
>Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

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