--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey@datamann.com> wrote:
>Loree Thomas wrote:
>> > --- Jerry Mitchell <jmitch12@tampabay.rr.com
>> > wrote:
>> > labeled racist (neat trick for a black cop to be>
>> racist of blacks).
>> Not such a trick at all. Happens constantly.
> Yeah, anyone who doesn't support rent-a-riot
> politics must be racists,
> and if they are black, they are Uncle Toms....
I suppose this makes some kind of sense to someone,
but not to me.
It seems not only nonsensical (what the heck is a
rent-a-riot?) but non sequitur and vicious well past
the point of any possible provocation as well.
The "Uncle Tom" thing is "sequitur", but vicious, mean
and indicative of poor debating skills.
Further, my sense of this is that you just attempted
to use ridicule and sarcasm rather than reasoned
I could also construe this to mean that you just
claimed I AM a supporter of rent-a-riot politics...
which you make clear is a bad thing and thus meant to
be a personal insult. Add to that the defamation
inherent by your implication that I would call any
person an "Uncle Tom".
We were doing so good before this Mike. Why did you
have to bring it down to this level?
That effectively ends the discussion, at least from my
side. Feel free to carry on by yourself.
So Lee? You've been championing reasoned discourse
lately. How do you feel about this post of Mike's?
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