Re: White Male Discrimination

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 09:34:54 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> >From: James Rogers <>
> >Things may be more balanced now (I wouldn't know), but I do see a
> >strong resentment of racial preferences of any type in caucasians
> >of my generation, largely as a result of firsthand experiences
> >with an over-the-top program to reverse racism with racial
> >preferences in social programs. This may very well be an
> >unintended consequence that will strongly limit the popularity of
> >any future race-oriented programs.
> <post edited for brevity>
> I thought you put this all very well.
> Affirmative action was originally a plan by which proven injustice
> caused by racial discrimination was corrected by means of selective
> hiring. I still support such a policy.
> It was later expanded, and became a program of selective hiring
> based on arbitrary quotas to include x number of selected
> minorities per x number of white males. I completely reject this
> policy.
> In other words a totally new kind of discrimination was created.

I fail to see how one is different from the other. If you are doing ANY
selective hiring, you must either have some target numbers in mind (i.e.
quotas, either in hiring rates or eventual labor force proportions) or
else you refuse to hire any whites whatsoever. I fail to see how either
act can be acceptable in any way. ANY hiring, scholastic awards, or
grants of financial subsidy that involves race in their
selection/disbursement in ANY WAY is discrimination and racism.

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