RE: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2001 - 21:57:35 MDT

At 05:39 PM 8/7/01 -0700, Lee Corbin wrote:

>People reading Damien Broderick and Charles Hixson might come away
>believing that I am a supporter of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

[in fact, Lee had written:]

>>> But the possibility has been overblown, in my opinion. The
>>> high point of this view occurred in the 1950's. Since then,
>>> the counter-reaction has been that we are not so much damaged
>>> or affected by our terminology as had been thought.

Fair enough, my sloppiness--I was grabbing a handy chunk of text in order
to make a generalized debunking point abt the S-W hypothesis (once a
favorite of ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION's editor John W. Campbell, whose
vivid, crusty style in language and argument thereby reprogrammed many
youthful readers, a sort of demonstration in itself of the weak form of S-W
hypothesis). Sorry that this partial cite rather misrepresented Lee's own

Damien Broderick

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