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> "Lee Corbin" <lcorbin@tsoft.com> <extropians@extropy.org> The Email Bombing IncidentDate: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 17:16:56 -0700
>Reply-To: extropians@extropy.org
>I am very curious about an historical event in which Joe Dees
>was the alleged victim of an email campaign. It has become
>unclear whether there was a "campaign" at all, or whether it
>was directed at his own personal email address (or a list to
>which he merely was subscribed), or to what degree people went
>in order to suppress dissenting views.
>(I myself would prefer that Mr. Joe Dees tell his story first,
>if he is so inclined, in non-partisan objective language.)
>And, if I'm not being insulting towards anyone with these
>requests (for which I do apologize), I would be very happy
>if all accounts were free of political partisan content,
>i.e., that no observer would be capable of determining
>who was liberal or who was conservative, or whatever.
>Needless to say, insulting terms like "droogies" or whatever,
>should be omitted when it's just the facts that should be
>foremost first.
>Thanks everyone,
>Lee Corbin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-extropians@extropy.org
>> [mailto:owner-extropians@extropy.org]On Behalf Of Brian D Williams
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 7:24 AM
>> To: extropians@extropy.org
>> Subject: Re: Tolerance for Dissent on Extropians
>> From: "Joe Dees" <joedees@addall.com>
>> >> Mike Lorrey <mlorrey@datamann.com>
>> >
>> >>>Joe Dees wrote:
>> >>> When you get sent 1200 emails in the space of three days
>> >>>filled with inane comments and bald insults, they are not
>> >>>playing a quality game, but a quantity game - it's called
>> >>>'overwhelm'.
>> >
>> >>It's easy to stop Joe: stop sending yourself so much email.
>> >Do you REALLY want me to go to the archives and do a count of the
>> >mailbombing you... inflicted on this list, and to which I replied?
>> >Practically all my posts were replies to posts
>> >by your [group]...
>> As usual Joe your story keeps changing, first it was you
>> that received 1200 hostile emails in three days, now it
>> was supposedly the list that received such E-mails.
>> Everyone on this list knows no such event ever occurred.
>Wrong. (-L.C.)
>> Brian
I received the emails because I was on the list; they were posted to the list, but directed to me. This travesty was meant to enforce a progun hegemony somewhere to the right of the NRA on this list, by means of attack, insult, intimidation, mischaracterization and outright lying. They accused me of wanting to ban all guns for anyone, even though that was never my position,and I own five of them myself, questioned my patriotism (I'm a military vet), as if not sharing their views was an act of treason that should be punishable by death, accused me of being a stalking horse for various gun-control groups even though I have never been a member of one or knowingly corresponded with anyone who was (not that there's anything wrong with that), and branded me the worst thing they could dream up, a left-liberal socialist collectivist commie pinko (not all in one email, but those terms were used). In fact, I'm a fiscal conservative and social liberal. The people who were engaged in !
this attempt to silence/suppress me by means of a combination of cyberbrowbeating and sheer volume, included, mainly, James Rogers, Lee Daniel Crocker and Brian Williams (although there were others), but was spearheaded by Michael Lorrey. All people have to do is look in the archives for email from these individuals and replies posted by me to them to substantiate that such a sustained blitzkrieg occurred. The funny thing about the whole debacle (funny as in self-contradictory) was witnessing self-labeled libertarians, who ostensibly despise dictatorial, totalitarian, single-view, party-line, enforced-uniformity, no-tolerance-for-dissent/differing-views regimes, behaving like two-bit satraps by attempting to engage in the cyberequivalent of a pogram of memetic cleansing (Can anyone say 'true colors"? I know you can). In my opinion, Sean Kenney's characterization was mild and over-kind. And in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the term 'droogies' meant friends who got together to perpetr!
ate violence; therefore I do not consider it an unfair characterization. I, however, refused to back down, roll over and be a willing victim - I'm just not built that way. When a moratorium was declard on the topic, the major perpetrators formed their own list, exi-freedom (free from dissenting views, I'll wager). Of course, far be it for these individuals to actually own up to their own past actions, even though there were many list witnesses to this cyber-pile-on, and this message will most probably provoke them to, oblivious to the blatant irony, deny them, even with archive evidence and as they attempt to repeat them.
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