Re: Vicious Racism

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 08:02:34 MDT

>From: "Alex F. Bokov" <>

>Furthermore, notice that the plonking phase has set in (PLONK =
>'I've added you to my killfile and will no longer see anything you
>post'). I'm not sure if that's a bad or a good thing. On the one
>hand, it's a primitive sort of self-organization in action;
>individuals selecting what they see without censoring what others
>see. On the other, it's also people opting to stew in their own
>juices. Then again, I guess we all have a fundamental right to
>stew in our own juices.

I've always considered plonking the Internet equivalent of giving
someone an icy stare, then turning around and walking away......


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