I've often asked, "If freedom is so good, and so many great minds
have praised and promoted it, then why is freedom in danger of
being wiped out?" One of my answers to this question is that
"government" is the main enemy of freedom, but nobody I know
of has come even close to accurately describing "government"
and communicating such an accurate description widely.
In 1994, I wrote Report #TL07B: THE NATURE OF GOVERNMENT
According to Craig Green, [this is the] "Most PROFOUND Essay
On The Subject" <http://pw2.netcom.com/~zeno7/index.html>.
"* I would CERTAINLY have been saved from a huge amount of pain
if I'd been privileged enough to read this article/essay 10 years ago.
* The only thing that I didn't like about it was that I didn't write it!
* This is the most freedom-producing/fear-destroying article I've
ever been privileged to read!
* NOW, clarity seems more clear to me!
* THANK YOU." -- Rick (26 Jul 2001)
What would happen if a significant number of people (say, 10 or
12) were to gain certain "deeper understandings" of the "nature
of government" and also developed the ability to communicate
this to others in a manner that would enable them in turn to gain
these "deeper understandings" and help them spread?
<http://www.buildfreedom.com/tl/tl07d.shtml>, Max T. O'Connor
(aka Max More) discusses related "deeper understandings."
He coined the term "Deep Anarchy." I regard myself as a Deep
A Deep Anarchist is someone who has examined and radically
changed certain "systematic patterns of thought" which most
traditional anarchists take for granted, without question or
Max More indicates: "Traditional anarchists want to abolish the
"State." In planning their strategies and in doing their thinking
about this they rarely question the existence or fundamental
nature of their enemy." For an examination of the "enemy,"
see #TL07B: The Nature of Government
If you're interested in becoming one of those who gains "deeper
understandings" about the "nature of government" and would
like to help spread them, I invite you to join me on the Deep
Anarchy Discussion List <deep_anarchy-subscribe@topica.com>
or <http://www.buildfreedom.com/lists/deep_anarchy.html>.
Frederick Mann
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