Anders Sandberg wrote:
> There is also the calculation based on lakes of brimstone suggesting an
> upper bound of 445 degrees celsius (although that assumes sea level
> pressure). (
> However, the energy stored as heat in Hell bends spacetime. The total
> mass-energy in a spherical uncharged non-rotating Hell of radius R is
> 4 Pi R^3 k T / 3. If the mass is greater than c^2 R / 2 G Hell will
> collapse into a black hole; since everything in this case will be crushed
> in the final singularity after a finite proper time this will contradict
> the assumption of Hell as eternal damnation, and we can conclude that
> R^2 T < 3 c^2 / 8 Pi k G. Hence Hell will have to shrink at higher
> temperatures.
> Assuming T to be 700 K, I get an upper bound of Hell's radius as 1.289e23
> meters. This is roughly 14 million light years. If we assume a Dantean hell
> of the same size as Earth, the maximum temperature is 5.4e17 K, far above
> the electroweak unification temperature.
Excellent, Anders. Now, how does this impact the total carrying capacity
of hell in terms of souls? Do souls fill the same volume as angels, or
are they larger because they posess egos (as well as guilt)? Are souls
quantum entities like you posited angels to be? I imagine that the
blondes, at least, would be in states of permanent uncertainty. What
mass do we assign to souls, and how much does this impact the carrying
size of hell?
Is Hell even a four dimensional space? Since it exists outside our
universe, would it not be a ten dimensional entity? Wouldn't this allow
a significant degree of folding into various dimensional configurations
(and imagine the tortures that four dimensional souls could be put
through under such circumstances).
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