Re: life extension advocacy plans (fear of Tithonus) --> survey

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 14:25:18 MDT

Allegedly I'm 41, however I was too young to remember, (I was born when I
was very young) so do not have first hand knowledge of my birth according to
rules of evidence.

----- Original Message -----
From: "L B" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: life extension advocacy plans (fear of Tithonus) --> survey

> >
> > I expect that the chances are high that I'm going to
> > die of old age or other
> > infirmity unless a *lot* of work is done by a lot of
> > people -- more so than
> > will happen without intervention and activism. And
> > I'm 28.
> If everyone doesn't mind me asking, how old are the
> rest of you? I was desribing the extropians, list and
> subject matter to a friend and he asked this question:
> How old is the oldest member? THen I wondered, how old
> is the youngest?
> Anyway, I became curious. So those of you who wish to
> answer, I would appreciate it. Private emails are
> fine.
> Merriss
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