Re: howdy to Miriam

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 22:18:29 MDT

At 02:01 PM 7/8/01 +1000, I sez:

>the woman journalist on this week's ep of AFTERSHOCK
>who told Emlyn and the other males that VR and uploading was the pitiful


I was being lazy there. The feisty journalist in question was, according to

Rosanne Bersten - Editor of E-Mag for
          the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
          She is the Founding Editor of
          which is Australia's best selling monthly
          print Internet magazine published by Next
          Media. She also wrote Rosanne Bersten's
          little net.guides. She was Assitant Editor at
          Australian Macworld magazine before it
          was incorporated into MacUser. She's into
          Star Trek, X-files, cyberpunk, role-playing
          (Warhammer Fantasy and Cyberpunk are
          favourites, but Vampire and Werewolf are
          OK), french postmodernist feminism,
          poststructuralist politics (Deleuze,
          Massumi), feminist and tranny
          cyberphilosophy (Haraway, Stone), and
          lots of queer politics.

Another guest was:

Emlyn O'Regan - an Extropian, which is
          someone who believes in Transhumanist
          philosophy. Transhumanists favour reason,
          progress, and values cnetred on our well
          being rather than on an external religious
          authority. Transhumanists take humanism
          further by challenging human limits by
          means of science and technology
          combined with critical and creative
          thinking. They challenge the inevitability of
          aging and death, and seek continuing
          enhancements to intellectual, physical and
          emotional abilities.

True enough, although the sight of Emlyn cnetring his fellow guests was
fearsome indeed.

Damien Broderick

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