Re: ART: What is Art

From: scerir (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 15:30:44 MDT

[random quotations]

In a purely technical sense, each species of higher organism
is richer in information than a Caravaggio painting,
Bach fugue, or any other great work of art. Edward O. Wilson.

Music is the art of thinking with sounds. Jules Combarieu.
Art not only imitates nature, but also completes it deficiencies. Aristote.
Art distills sensation and embodies it with enhanced meaning
in a memorable form, or else it is not art. Jacques Barzun.

What is art? Nature concentrated. Honoré de Balzac.

The object of art is to crystallize emotion into thought,
and then fix it in form. Francois Delsarte.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves
at the same time. Thomas Merton.

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. Pablo Picasso.

plus ....
The Incommensurability of Scientific and Poetic Knowledge

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