Re: Dyson Spheres are not dark

Michael Lorrey (
Sun, 29 Jun 1997 10:21:25 -0400

John K Clark wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jun 1997 Michael Lorrey <> Wrote:
> >If you are dealing with just the radiated heat from the 5000 deg
> >surface, this is true, but the corona (the sun's "atmosphere) has
> >much higher temperatures, that reach as high as 6 million degrees,
> >so I'm not sure if this will work unless the diamondoid is a
> >superconductor of heat.
> It's true that the sun's corona is very hot, but it's so thin it contains
> very little heat. Without radiated energy or some other supply of energy you
> would very quickly freeze to death in that 6 million degree atmosphere.

This is interesting, why would one freeze to death in that 6 million
degree atmosphere? Is it a REALLY DRY heat? ;) Is it because the
atoms/ions in that atmostphere, though they may be highly energetic, at
a 6 million degree level, they are so thin (a near vacuum) that it means
more as ionizing radiation than as heat?

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------		Inventor of the Lorrey Drive

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