Re: Chunking intelligence functions

Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 09:07:43 MDT

A good article on intelligence, factor analysis, g, and the theory of
multiple intelligences is the 1998 Scientific American article available
It also contains links to Gardner's controversial theory of multiple
intelligences at

Some of Gardner's intelligences are unproblematic, such as linguistic,
logical-mathematical, and spatial intelligence, which have long been used
as parts of IQ tests. When he gets into musical, bodily-kinesthetic,
and naturalistic intelligences (the last defined as "the ability to
understand, relate to, categorize, classify, comprehend, and explain
the things encountered in the world of nature. People such as farmers,
ranchers, hunters, gardeners, and animal handlers may exhibit developed
naturalistic intelligence.") it gets much more questionable IMO.


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