Re: SOC/TECH: Greenstar <----MUST SEE

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 12:50:49 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: "altamira" <>
> >Athough I'm enthuiastic about the technological aspects of the
> >project I agree with Robin about the economics, and also about the
> >greater benefit of microloans. As I mentioned in another post,
> >you're not going to get the greatest benefit from the technology
> >if it's installed as a pre-designed package. You HAVE to design
> >it on-site.
> One of the design ideas involved is to have it serve as a center
> for microbanking.

Yes, and bartering as well, to register barter contracts as a matter of course,
it helps build a community understanding of and comfort with western concepts of
rule of law through use of contract law, as well as a community records center
for deeds, marriages, village council records, etc.

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