Re: soccer violence as a model for post-scarcity gesellschaft

From: stencil (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 17:02:25 MDT

On Sun, 18 Jun 2000 06:10:23 -0600, Greg Burch wrote:

>[Damien's original expression of concern]
>[...]my guess is we'll see an increasing trend toward pseudo-tribalism
>around fairly trivial symbolic values. We already see this with the example
>you cite, i.e. the "fan culture" that thrives around professional sports. A
>continued growth in extreme individual sports is another probable outcome.
>[...]Given the large numbers of
>people here in the U.S. who happily enjoy the fruits of science and
>technology, while blithely espousing primitive religious beliefs, I can't see
>that we can expect a "withering away of the faith". Nano-enabled religious
>fundamentalism is among my two or three worst nightmares for the 21st century.

X-ring. See you at Burning Man.

stencil sends

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