Re: Hedonistic Imperative

From: Martin Ling (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 16:21:21 MDT

On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 05:32:32PM -0400, wrote:
> In a message dated 6/18/00 4:01:13 PM Central Daylight Time,
> > Hence it's thought to result from idiosyncratic "wiring defects", much
> > like sneezing from sunlight (hmm - that IS a synesthesia now that I
> > think of it. It really does feel like there's something in my nose.)
> Have we talked about that phenomenon here before? That happens to me, and
> I've never known anyone else that has that response to suddenly going out
> into bright sunlight.

Are you sure it's not a (possibly v. mild) pollen allergy that tends to
coincide when you walk outside?

Just checking, since now that you mention it I have been doing the exact
same thing recently - although I have the correlatory red eyes et al :-(


-----[ Martin J. Ling ]-----[ ]-----

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