Extravagant Conception
In my oxymoronic former life as a Fundamentalist Christian lawyer, I was once asked to contribute to the Official Position Paper on Abortion, for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. I began my research with a dogmatic belief in the sanctity of human life. My goal was to defend my foregone conclusion. All I needed was good, solid, reasonable, credible evidence that my opinion was the right one.
I made my written contribution acceptable to the Church, but for some time afterwards I wrestled with the concepts, and continue to be interested in the topic. I can generally be found perched upon a very broad fence. Wide as it is, it's not always comfortable.
Currently, from aloft the fence, I've been researching conception. The objective of this post is specifically to ask the following questions:
� On average, what percentage of fertilized human eggs is normally expelled before successfully attaching to the mother? I understand from reading a little about the "morning after pill" that as high as 80% of fertilized eggs is naturally ejected from the body.
� Does anyone have resources where I might find stats on this?
As a fundy, I believed that a human being has a soul from the moment of conception, and that, because of Adam's sin, humans are, from conception, bound for eternal Hell, by default. That, of course, would mean that any souls of discharged fertilized eggs would go straight to burning, unending torment.
I'm aware that many Christians believe in an alternate, less horrific fate. The child must reach an age of accountability before being in jeopardy. These same Christians tend to believe that people, such as jungle tribes, who never hear of Jesus, get a free pass to Heaven, just like the unaccountable children. The trouble I have with this slightly less heinous alternative has to do with the fact that fundies make up less than 10% of the world's population. The odds of any child born anywhere, becoming a fundy and getting saved, are about 1 in 10. Abortion then is the greatest escape, and missionaries, instead of delivering salvation, are killing the innocence defence and spreading the ultimate jeopardy.
Back to the question. Are there any leads to web sites with statistics on the extravagance of conception?
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