Re: Uploaded Amish

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 13:40:16 MDT

Eirikur Hallgrimsson wrote:
> The Amish have been a theme running through a bunch of recent
> messages. I'm moved to mention a few of the visions that thinking
> about the future of the Amish gives me.


> 3) The Amish are uploaded into an emulated farming environment, maybe
> their own planet. I think that this would be against their
> teachings and the uploaded Amish might suffer the critical mass
> problem because the meme system had been broken. Still, it's a great
> idea for something like one of John Varley's disneylands in a domed
> lunar crater. Heck, that would be real farming, maybe some young
> Amish would go for it!

Varley *did* that, in his novel _The Golden Globe_ The book is a
delightful romp, right from the first line: "I once did Romeo and Juliet
as a one man show".

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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