>From: natashavita@earthlink.net, Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000
>How wonderful to enjoy Damien's post. How wonderful to have
>friends like Fiorella Terenze who also feels the universe sensuously.
> I feel I�m in brilliant company that expressing our desires
>and passions can be done so shall we say, poetically? Perhaps
>it's as simple as this that the connection between the arts and
>sciences is a poetic appreciation to be emotionally moved by
>life and the universe.
Perhaps it's as simple as that. I'm emotionally (and poetically)
moved by the Universe every day (honestly).
I received a notice from Fiorella a couple of days ago (you probably
did too?). She has taken position as Director of New Media/Astrophysicist
for the Space Transit Planetarium at the Miami Museum of Science.
She will be putting together educational and entertainment
programs, working with Jack Foley Horkheimer, Executive Director of the
Space Transit Planetarium and Creator of PBS "StarGazer"
>From her description, it sounds like a perfect job for her. I'm
really happy about this new development in her life.
For those not familiar with her music or other works:
Fiorella's web site: http://www.fiorella.com/
My 1995 interview with Fiorella: http://www.amara.com/fio/jamming.html
Amara Graps email: amara@amara.com
Computational Physics vita: finger agraps@shell5.ba.best.com
Multiplex Answers URL: http://www.amara.com/
"It works better if you plug it in." -- Sattinger's Law
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