Re: what if microsoft disobeyed the breakup?

From: phil osborn (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 23:24:41 MDT

>From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>>Subject: Re: what if
>microsoft disobeyed the breakup?
>Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 11:08:42 -0400
>phil osborn wrote:
> >
> > >From: "Ian Field" <>
> > >Subject: Re: what if microsoft disobeyed the breakup?
> > >Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 07:36:54 -0700
> > >
> > >Phil Osborn spewed:
> > >
> > >| Funny, most of the professional developers I have known over the
> > >| consider MS/DOS - Windows to be an unbelievable kludge.
> > >
> > >First of all, Windows on MS/DOS *was* a kludge, but that hasn't existed
> > >since 3.1. All of MS' 32-bit operating systems are *actually*
> > >systems, the DOS infrastructure is *minimal*. In NT and 2000 DOS is
> > >non-existent.
> > >
> >
> > Phil spews in reply ) ) ) )
> > Sorry, I work professionally all day on a Win98 system. A good day is
> > I only have to reboot 3 to 5 times. I had a LOT more control with 3.1,
> > fact.
>I use Win 98, 95, and NT systems, and have little problems with them as
>operating systems. MY NT 4.0 systems run for weeks if I want them too.
>The problems I have with windows is not the OS, but the applications.
>Many applications do a very very poor job of memory management,
>resulting in memory leakage, and the filling of your RAM and swap file
>with garbage to the point that the application crashes, or it causes the
>OS to crash. Applications I've had the most difficulty with are: Word
>Perfect, Netscape, and Ventura. I now avoid WP like the plague, though I
>have to use Ventura for my work, and it has gotten better with version 8
>sp 2 than anything previous.
>I have found that most crashes on Win systems are not due to the OS, but
>because inexpensive hardware is used. I use intel chips and standard
>intel motherboards, matrox video cards (S3 Virge is satanspawn), etc.
>You do get what you pay for.

Phil replies: I use PageMaker 6.52 and COREL PhotoPaint 8.369 mostly.
Since the company idiots (management, that is) switched my machine - which
only I normally use - from Win95 to Win98 (over my strenuous warnings and
objections), the crashes initially subsided, then gradually returned to even
more than under '95. In addition, however, the print spooler in Win '98 has
a known bug that screws up many programs such as print drivers and
PostScript rasterizers.

We had used SuperPrint from ZenoGraphics with great happiness for several
years on Win '95, as it far exceeded our expectations for very little money
and in fact delivered a host of capabilities that went way, way beyond just
rasterizing PostScript to our Stylus. Now we have to literally turn OFF!
both the Stylus and the computer after each print. ZenoGraphics now makes
their money selling directly to the printer companies, having proved that
they are about 50 times better at doing drivers, and they know about the
problem, but have no plans to fix it.

Adobe also knows about the problem, but their only solution is "use the
driver supplied with Windows '98." The Win '98 official driver for the
Stylus Pro truly, truly sucks, and it doesn't work with SuperPrint.
GhostScript just doesn't deliver the quality. We NEED PostScript! I kept
telling the management - err, I mean idiots - to reinstall '95, but now
they've converted the drives to Fat 32, and there is no going back. o'well.
  So every day, in addition to the crashes and lockups, I have to shut down
and do cold reboots one after another in order to print color.

Just another of millions of MS stories in the big city...

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