On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 02:05:41AM -0400, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> Zero Powers wrote:
> >
> > >From: Brian D Williams <talon57@well.com>
> >
> > >Look, everyone goes through a "socialist" phase, I did to. But the
> > >reality is it doesn't work unless you put a gun to peoples heads.
> > >After a good taste of capitalism socialism won't do except for
> > >those who have a "perfectly good reason" why they won't pull their
> > >own weight.
> >
> > I'm not saying communism has worked in the past. I'm not saying it works in
> > the present. I'm saying that it has possibilities for the future,
> > especially if/when material wealth becomes equivolent to information.
> >
> > I'm a willing capitalist now. But there are many in our society who don't
> > have my luck and/or ability. Some of them live at a level of subsistence
> > which IMO is beneath that fit for a human. That saddens me. I believe that
> > someday we'll be able to do better. That's *all* I was saying.
> Such people are the way they are because they buy the lie that they
> deserve more than what they've got, that they should not have to work
> for it. It saddens me that purportedly intelligent people like you
> continue to give such failed ideas credence, which condemns generations
> of millions of people to lives of squalor, hate, resentment, and failure
> because they are programmed to beleive the lie you give credence to.
That reeks, of a world in which resources are greatly limited and the
poplulation are all forced to work a meagre living from what there is.
This is not the world we live in. In the world we live in, that simply
reeks of greed and lack of consideration.
-- -----[ Martin J. Ling ]-----[ http://www.nodezero.org.uk ]-----
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