Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> "Lee Daniel Crocker" <lee@piclab.com> wrote:
> > >> I must say that for any of you guys looking for hot
> > >> intelligent hetero women, the GOP is the place to go. I met
> > >> more fine fine women at GOP wingdings than just about anywhere.
> >
> > > Can I throw up now? Mike, whatever possesed you to say such a thing
> > > in a public forum, where anyone can just look up the archives
> >
> > What, we should be looking for ugly dumb lesbian tree-huggers?
> Are you guys really have problems finding dates outside of the Republican
> Party? Is your world-view so shaped by politics that you actually perceive
> Republicans as being physically, mentally and sexually different than
> non-Republicans? I don't think you realize how this makes you sound.
No, that was not it at all, and it seems like some people are just making a
mountain out of a mole hill here.
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