Would Alcor or CI handle this? Or does anyone know of someplace that
could do it and store it?
GBurch1@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/11/00 4:40:46 PM Central Daylight Time,
> bradbury@genebee.msu.su writes:
> > It is worth noting that people who are *serious* about anti-aging
> > should go to the trouble of either getting some blood and/or
> > bone marrow frozen (the bone marrow contains lots of hematopoetic
> > stem cells, the blood has low but detectable concentrations)
> > so they could use it in the future to treat the age-related decline
> > of the immune system. Skin plugs would get some fibroblasts
> > and muscle biopsies might get some myoblasts, that are useful
> > for regrowing other tissues.
> Sounds like a good business opportunity . . .
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