lipofuscin accumulation does not alter aging

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 09:41:05 MDT

  Brain glutathione
  reductase induction increases early
  survival and decreases lipofuscin accumulation in aging frogs.
  Journal of Neuroscience Research. 34(2):233-42, 1993 Feb 1.
  Brain catalase was continuously depleted throughout the life
  span starting with a large population of initially young and old frogs. Free
  radical-related parameters were measured in the brain tissue
  once per year after 2.5, 14.5, and 26.5 months of experimentation.
  Brain lipofuscin accumulation was observed after 14.5 and
  26.5 months, and survival was continuously followed during 33 months. The age
  of the animal did not decrease endogenous antioxidants nor increase tissue
  peroxidation either in cross-sectional or longitudinal comparisons.
  Continuous catalase depletion similarly affected young and old animals,
  inducing glutathione reductase, tending to
  decrease oxidized glutathione/reduced
  glutathione (GSSG/GSH) ratio, decreasing lipofuscin
  accumulation in the brain, and increasing survival from 46%
  to 91% after 14.5 months. At 26.5 months of experimentation the loss of the
  glutathione reductase
  induction in catalase-depleted animals was accompanied by
  the presence of higher lipofuscin deposits than in controls and was followed
  by a great increase in mortality rate. Even though the maximal life span (7
  years) was the same in the control and treated animals which were already old
  (4.2 years) at the beginning of the experiment, the treated animals showed a
  strong reduction in the rates of early death. It is proposed that the
  maintenance of a high antioxidant/prooxidant balance in the vertebrate
  brain greatly increases the probability of the individual to
  reach the final segments of its species-specific life span.

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