On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 10:13:23AM -0400, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> Morpheus' explaination might be looked at as a reflection of how well any opponent
> truly knows their enemy. Most conflict comes from misunderstanding, so it only
> follows that the resistance would have an imperfect understanding of their enemy,
> especially one so vast as the AI.
> The existence of the Oracle could simply be a user interface for a freindly AI that
> has hacked the system to genetically engineer Neo. Remeber the warning about
> 'indistinguisable from magic'.
> The Oracle predicted Morpheus' death, which was predictable given his lack of
> understanding of the enemy. As Sun Tsu said, the path to victory is by knowing your
> enemy and knowing yourself. Neo attained a good degree of that understanding in the
> end, which is why he was able to win in the end.
But she also predicted that Trinity would fall in love with Neo (long
before any of the storyline), that Neo would have to choose between
Morpheus' life and his own, that he would knock over the vase... yes,
I'm willing to agree on 'sufficiently advanced technology'. But I just
prefer to do it differently, thanks.
-- -----[ Martin J. Ling ]-----[ http://www.nodezero.org.uk ]-----
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