Re: Latest Supreme Court Ruling: US v. Lopez

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 16:56:34 MDT wrote:
> [Please forgive the first copy of this message, without a subject line]
> At 3:56 PM -0400 on 5/22/00, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> >This past monday, in case it wasn't in your local paper (and
> >considering they way they lean usually, it probably wasn't), the
> >Supreme Court ruled in favor of the defendant, Lopez, in deciding
> >that the Gun-Free School Zones Act is unconstitutional in its overly
> >broad claim under the Commerce Clause.
> Michael,
> U.S. v. Lopez, 519 U.S. 549, was decided in 1995, five years ago. That is
> probably why it wasn't in your local paper.

Ah, the columnist, now that I reread it, was discussing how VAWA used
US. v Lopez, though he didn't state it specifically, you are right
though. THanks for straightening that out.

> >They ruled that a person carrying a weapon on school grounds or
> >within 1000 feet of school grounds does not fit the definition of
> >engaging in interstate commerce. With this ruling, we have one more
> >nail in the coffin of gun control. The fact this came so soon after
> >the Million Mutha March (oops, make that the 100,000 mom march)
> >indicates that the conservative block of Rhenquist, O'Connor,
> >Kennedy, Scalia, and Thomas that steadily maintains the fundamental
> >principle that "Every law enacted by Congress must be based on one or
> >more of its powers enumerated by the Constitution", will likely
> >continue on this track when and if it hears US v. Emerson next year,
> >and that even if the 'million' mad muthas are able to shrewify their
> >way into forcing congress to pass a registration law, it will likely
> >be struck down based on this and other precendents. Note that ALL gun
> >control laws at the federal level are solely based upon the Commerce
> >Clause, while state and local laws are based on US. v. Miller..and
> >US. v. Emerson overturns US v. Miller... Bye, Bye, Rosie O'Donnell,
> >Bye, Bye, Sarah Brady. Don't let the door hit
> you.....
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