Im posting this to the general list because I know a lotta
extropians are in town and are not on exi-bay.
We are hoping to create spontaneous chaos from order
at the Cafe Bombay, after the conference breaks up Sunday.
We have plenty of strange attractors that will be there. The
place opens at 5:30 pm. I have learned that they do not
discriminate, they will feed anyone there, including those
of us with wacky ideas about the future. {8^D
The Cafe Bombay is on the south west corner of El Camino
and San Antonio road in Palo Alto just behind the Bank of
Los Altos, 800 metres south of the Cabana hotel. There is
a buffet in addition to the menu, and there is a wide range of
plant matter available in addition to animal corpses. {8^D The
address is 4546 El Camino Real.
Fred Moulton is the organizer of it, but he will be going there
directly from the conference, so if you think you wanna make
that scene at 5:30, message me at or leave
message at 408-942-5443 so I can estimate a head count.
Each extropian counts only as one head, regardless of your
IQ or the number of computers you are wearing. spike
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