FDA: Deadline For Codex Vitamin Comments Extended to Monday

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 23:45:57 MDT

From: LEF Email List1 nsantini@directnet1.net
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 5:01 PM
Subject: Deadline For Codex Vitamin Comments Extended to Monday

John Hammell, President of International Advocates for Health Freedom,
warns that official FDA comments that seem to guarantee U.S. access to
vitamins and supplements could actually open the door to restrictive
international regulation of these health products.

The Codex comments period was recently extended until Monday May 22, 2000.
Health Freedom activists should email the enclosed form letter to FDA by
the end of business on Monday, but can get it to Congress after that date.
To comment, you must email this form letter to FDA no later than Monday,
May 22, 2000!

Details on this issue, including an online e-mail form letter to the FDA,
is available at:
http://www.lef.org /fda/codex_051900.html

Hammell urges health freedom activists to stress these points:

Demand that FDA call for a discontinuance of all deliberations at Codex
pertaining to the Codex vitamin issue.

Disagree with the FDA's interpretation of the Federal Statute by which the
US ratified the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement in the Uruguay
Round. It says: "No provision of any of the Uruguay Round Agreements, nor
the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, that
is inconsistent (emphasis added) with any law of the United States shall
have any effect." [19 USC section 3512(a)(1)]. On the surface it appears
that we're protected by US dietary supplement laws (Proxmire and DSHEA),
but what if we don't have something in our law that could be called for by
a finalized Codex vitamin standard (e.g., restrictions on availability of
high potency vitamins except by prescription)? Could such a restriction be
said to be "inconsistent" with our law? (It would all depend on who is
doing the interpretation.) There is nothing comparable to a restrictive
Codex vitamin standard currently IN our law, so if it's not IN our law, it
can't be said to be inconsistent! This opens a Pandora's box as to how it
will be interpreted, and given that it could be interpreted by the WTO's
Dispute Settlement Body, which disallows testimony from individuals, no
matter how well qualified, as well as from NGO organizations, this could
jeopardize our health freedom!

Demand that FDA remove from consideration the NAS paper "A Risk Assessment
Model for Establishing Upper Levels for Vitamins." It never underwent a
public review, it was funded pharmaceutical interests, its conclusions
aren't scientific and it goes diametrically against the will of the people
as expressed via the Proxmire Act and DSHEA. The NAS paper and rebuttal
can be viewed at http://www.iahf.com Medicine. Additional comments
discrediting NAS's attack on vitamins have been submitted by the Life
Extension Foundation in the form of an article by Bill Faloon, available
at http://www.lef.org

Demand that FDA remove the guidance document on significant scientific
agreement from Agenda Item #10 as the FDA is being charged with contempt
of court over this issue. The FDA has been ruled in contempt of court for
to refusing to implement the Pearson decision wherein a Judge ruled that
the FDA had to allow four specific health claims for nutrients.

For a complete form letter and more information visit http://www.lef.org
To comment, Email by Monday to: Ellen Anderson, FDA at
eanderso@bangate.fda.gov or Ellen.Anderson@cfsan.fda.gov

Comments can be sent to Congressional leaders after the deadline. Here is
contact information for selected Members of Congress: Senator Hatch,attn
Chris Roche fax 202-224-6331, fax 202-224-6333
Congressman Dan Burton, fax 202-225-3974 Congresssman Ron Paul, attn Beth
Clay beth.clay@mail.house.gov; Congressman Paul c/o Norm Singleton fax
202-226-4871,norman.singleton@mail.house.gov; Congressman Peter De Fazio
c/o Lisa Bart fax 202-226-3502 peter.defazio@mail.house.gov Find your
Representative here: http://www.lef.org/fda/legislature.html

For more information contact International Advocates for Health Freedom
http://www.iahf.com, email: jham@iahf.com
Tel. Within N. America 800-333-2553, Overseas 540-745-6534 Fax
540-745-6535 IAHF POB 625 Floyd, VA 24091 USA

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