Re: Cryonics & psychopharmacology

From: Bryan Moss (
Date: Sun May 14 2000 - 08:01:11 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:

> > ...happening year by year as I grow palpably stupider
> > and more forgetful.
> > Daisy daiisssyyyy.
> >
> > Damiiieeeeen
> Theres a really good chance Chimera is too young to get
> the Daisy daaaaiisssyyy reference. {8^D Those of you who
> havent seen 2001, do yourself a favor and rent it. spike

Oh come on, are you *seriously* suggesting there are people
who haven't seen 2001? Say it ain't so Spike!

As I understand it, a digitally remastered version is to be
re-released as we approach the New Year. So go check it out
at the biggest, baddest cinema you can find.


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