Spike Jones wrote:
> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> > Yet another "John Clark" <jonkc@worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> > > My question is this, how can the "old guy" be dead when you remember being
> > him?
> >
> > How can Jesus be dead when people claim to be him?
> Hold on there, bud. Who's claiming to be me? }8-[
> {8^D spike
That was Jesus H Jones, certified 1st class quantum manipulation
engineer and proprietor of JHC Productions, UIC (Unlimited Infallible
Corporation), water to wine while you wait, face cloth xerography,
pyrotechnics on demand, sick healed, lame cured, dead raised, babies
brised, doubting Thomases convinced, fishes and loaves replicated, and
antigravity effects on special request. Of course, all of that is
hearsay, he has had good PR men well employed for a couple millenia,
despite being convicted of anti-competetive practices on numerous
occasions and attempted forced mergers by successors, while he escaped
judgement for human rights violations and genocidal acts committed in
his name.
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