ABlainey@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > >However, in the 'rest of the world', especially when you are dealing
> > >with talk between a man and a woman, her calling the guy weird is only a
> > >few clicks, at most, up the scale from being called a pervert or
> > >degenerate, at worst, and at the least it implies "not the sort of
> > >person I want to get to know or might develop a freindship or other
> > >relationship with of any kind."
> Personally I think being called weird is more of a compliment than being
> called *Normal*. I've always scored pretty high on the weirdness scale. I
> dont think any of us would be on this list if we were *Normal* in the popular
> sense. Face it, Debating weird vs normal to strangers the other side of the
> world in itself could be discribed as "Pretty weird"
As I said in the part of that post that was clipped, I don't consider
that descriptive when used on this list to be bad.
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