Re: law enforcement for profit

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat May 06 2000 - 01:52:26 MDT

Zero Powers wrote:
> >From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>
> >If you cooperate with the present US Government to a greater extent than
> >to protect your own safety (i.e. paying to taxes to stay out of jail is
> >OK, but buying T-Bills is not), you are morally complicit in the
> >atrocities committed by that government. One MILLION Americans are
> >rotting in prison having harmed no person or property; armed agents of
> >the government routinely confiscate billions of dollars worth of property
> >without trial or even accusation; thousands of immigrants are collected
> >and returned to more oppressive governments; if that's not tyrrany, then
> >what is?
> Suggestion: go live for a few years in Afghanistan, then a couple more years
> in Iran, then Iraq. Then come back and tell me all about how "tyrannical"
> the US is. No matter how "tyrannical" the US is, they never force you to
> stay if you don't like it. So if its so bad, pick up stakes and go
> somewhere else. Or is every single nation on the planet a tyranny in your
> eyes?

The US government does not have preemminent right to be here. I did not
take an oath to protect it, nor have I taken any oath of fealty to it. I
have not subsumed my rights to it. It exists as consequence of my
permission, not the other way around, no matter how much you would like
to beleive.

> The only problem with giving people freedom is, like giving them money, the
> more they get the more they want.

However it doesn't cost YOU anything for me to have more freedom, except
maybe reducing your chances of becoming the next Fuhrer or First

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