RE: COM/DCOM on Linux via EntireX (was Working Within the System)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 03:06:15 MDT

Billy Brown writes:

> Well, you know, you don't actually have to have Windows 2000 to do
> asynchronous components. You can use MSMQ (included in the NT Option Pack)

God, how portable. "You don't have to have Win 2k" (but it helps).

> to send asynchronous messages to a component, and it usually isn't hard to
> package your parameters as strings in the message body. This is actually
> what Win2K asynchronous components do anyway, behind the scenes - they just
> wrap up MSMQ with components that handle the packing & unpacking for you,
> and deal with some incidental problems like dead letters.

I still fail to see the advantages of COM versus PVM/MPI. What can you
do with it that you can't do with vanilla message passing libraries?

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