Re: Smart Pistols

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Tue May 02 2000 - 07:55:26 MDT

From: Lee Daniel Crocker <>

>> Maybe I am starting to like this "smart gun" idea...
>> You'll like it right up until some smart alec gun hater gets a
>>little EMP/ECM device that fries the circuits on people's self
>>defense guns...

>Damn. I was starting to really like the smart gun idea, and you
>have to bring up a really good argument against them. I should
>point out that mere electric ignition is not enough to make a gun
>vulnerable to EMP--a simple battery-powered mechanical switch
>device will survive. But "smart" requires silicon, and that /will/
>be destroyed by EMP. Perhaps one could build the silicon in such
>a way that an EMP would turn it into a dead short, thereby
>rendering it "dumb" but still firable. Is that feasible?

Now imagine law enforcement using one of Chuck's HERF guns on a
suspect carrying what appears to be a state of the art S&W
smartgun, and finds out at the last moment that it's been converted
to mechanical firing......


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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