> > Michael S. Lorrey wrote:supposedly it gets something like 20 mpg. It is a ducted
> > fan system, using rotary wankel type engines, so its probably less noisy than
> jets
> > or helicopters would be
> Spike Jones wrote: I realize this is the claim, but I cannot convince myself that
> it is true,
> even tho I desperately want to, Mike. More later, I wanna sharpen
> my calcs. spike
OK I sharpened my calcs and I *still* cant make these numbers happen,
not even close. I would believe 2 mpg, but not 20. Could Moller have
dropped a decimal place on the trusty old slide rule? Even at 2 MPG,
there might be certain circs where such a device could be useful however.
Hey you know, this aircar discussion is like the gun control debate, only
friendlier. {8^D It seems to come up periodically, and it is very
predictable. What we need are some hard numbers to end some of
our speculations. spike
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