Re: Northern Ireland (was Re: Nanotech Restrictions)

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 19:20:31 MDT

Zero Powers wrote:
> >From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >Sorry Max, and apologies to all who take offense. However you ARE 3/4
> >British, right? ;) I keep hearing all sorts of lame arguments about how
> >anyone white owes black people, native americans, japanese, etc.
> >apologies for what SOME white people did, yet these same people don't
> >want the same argument applied to them.
> You might want to stop and take a breath before firing off your replies.
> Seems you've been getting a little over the top lately (even for you). I
> don't know where you've been hearing those "lame arguments" about apologies
> owing from anyone white. Never heard any of that myself. I have heard some
> noises every once and a while from blacks (and perhaps others) who feel
> entitled to reparations *from the government* for what happened to slaves
> and their descendants in the US, but nothing like "we want every white
> person in America to say they're sorry."

There are quite a number of people who feel just that way. Their claims
are that if you are a member of a race that has benefited from racism
that means that you personally have benefitted from racism, so you are a
racist by association, a sort of racial equivalent that a person who
fences stolen goods is no different from the people who steal the goods
he sells.

All of this racial crap just disgusts me to no end (from both sides),
which is why I put 'human' down for my race on my census form...

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