Re: SOC: US Belief in Miracles

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Mon Apr 24 2000 - 09:06:14 MDT

> >From:
> >Poll: 84 Percent Believe in Miracles
> >WASHINGTON (AP) - Better than eight of 10 Americans
> >believe that God performs miracles, and almost half

> >believe they have experienced or witnessed one, a
> >Newsweek magazine poll has found.

--- Randy Smith <> wrote:
> So, what percentage of the readers of this list
> believe in miracles, I wonder?

> >The poll, released Saturday, reported that 84
> >percent of Americans have faith in divine miracles,

not me

> >and 79 percent believe in the reality of miracles
> >described in the Bible.

not me

> >Also, 48 percent have personal experiences with
> >miracles,

not me

> >and 63 percent said they know of people who have.

well, i know of people who *say* they have :)

> >Sixty-seven percent of respondents said they have
> >prayed to God or a saint for miracle, mainly for a
> >cure or recovery for a loved one in a health

not me

just my answers for randy :)

| Ziana Astralos |
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