Re: can a mainline religion evolve

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Apr 23 2000 - 22:50:47 MDT

> [xllb]... stumbled upon the archives of a Mormon Leaders' evolution mail list.
> You will find their struggle with scientific fact vs. faith intriguing.
> Here's the link, followed by a recent dialogue.

Perhaps John Grigg can help me here: years ago I heard that early
Mormons were strictly creationist. One of the first prophet/leaders,
(B. Young?) saw in vision the *exact stones* that Adam used to
sacrifice lambs to his god, these being located in Illinois? Upon
closer examination, Adam's altar stones were found to contain...
fossils. [doooooh!]

Since that day, the Mormon leadership has been conspicuously
silent on the topic. John, true or false? spike

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