Re: Didn't need no welfare state

Date: Sun Apr 23 2000 - 00:34:10 MDT

In modern Italy (home of the vatican ironically) they have the lowest
birthrate in Europe! I think the young women may have gotten a
little too fed up with the examples they saw growing up. Any
thoughts Serafino? I have heard some say we are going the way
of ancient Rome, but then we are not an empire that prides itself in
just one racial and ethnic stock.
John Grigg

1981 italians were 56.556.911
1991 they were 56.778.031
1998 they were 56.589.615 (plus 1.023.000 registered
immigrants, mainly from north africa, plus about 1.000.000 not
registered immigrants).
We hope that (working) immigrants can sustain (by means of
taxation) our welfare state. Otherwise our welfare state will crash
very soon.
Of course we are not able to get taxes from mafia economy.
The negative birth-death balance in Italy is due, mainly, to the very
chaotic living, and mental stress, and sudden wealth.
I.e.: we have about 200.000 different laws! Every year the tax rules
and laws output is a printed strip, 3 kilometers long, in A4 format.

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