Re: Death Penalty (was Re: Didn't need no welfare state)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 18:11:47 MDT

>From: James Rogers <>
>The only protection offered against illegitimate use of deadly force in
>the U.S. is to kill the state agents/police at the time the incident

Murder is *already* a capital offense, even if you are wearing a cop uniform
at the time you commit the murder. So I assume what you are suggesting is
some sort of summary execution which bypasses the jury trial process, right?
  That sounds like a really great plan. Oh, except for the minor detail
that *no one in their right mind would become a cop*. I'm amazed that they
can hire people as cops now to get paid marginally well to risk their lives
every working hour of the day. And now, in addition to getting reprimanded,
suspended, fired and sued for making an error, you think they should be
*killed* too? Yeah, sure I might take that job...if it paid $10 million a


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