Ron Harrison wrote:
> writes: "Why not focus on Transhumanist Artists and
>Extropic Art and art modes created with digital tools, Artificial life,
>Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology -- whose work reflects themes of
>biotechnology, genetic engineering, Superlongevity? "
>That sounds interesting, can you give us any help locating examples of what
>you are talking about on line?
Natasha's pages are the best ( but Sarah Marr
has a great site at --the site may be down
temporarily; and Anders has a whole network of pages at
there are more, but most should be covered in the links of the
aforementioned pages.
E. Shaun Russell Extropian, Musician, ExI Member <KINETICIZE *YOUR* POTENTIAL>
Hear my music at:
"The creation of the future is in the creation of the present"
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