Re: Didn't need no welfare state (Was: Re: news...)

Date: Mon Apr 17 2000 - 21:44:22 MDT

In a message dated 4/17/2000 7:47:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> You want to end welfare? OK, so do I. But you have to give people the
> means with which to make their own way in the world. If I'm ignorant,
> uneducated and unskilled and you kick me and my kids out into the streets
> starve, you have de facto turned me into a criminal. I will rob everyone
> sight. I will soon be caught and put in jail then, guess what? Free room
> and board on your dime again. Nice solution.

True. Social services fill a need and are provided because most people can
see the cause and effect of the spending vs. the state of affairs. This is
the big dumb-dumb factor of Libertarian politics. It ignores causation. It
asserts that "things will work themselves out" as soon as we stop

Pound foolish, penny wise.

A full-blown Harvard Education costs a fraction of what it costs to house a
criminal from age fifteen for life. But some people don't want to pay a
school tax to pay for
K-12 education and God forbid one should provide childcare for a poor kid,
they'd much rather wait and pay their tax bucks to punish him after he's
killed a cop or a store clerk -- or perhaps their mom.

Here's another political incongruity:
Most people who are pro-life (antiabortion) are FOR the death penalty.
; - )

I guess it's OK to kill children, as long as you wait until they grow up --
unwanted and in poverty -- so they can kill someone else first!


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