--- Adrian Tymes <wingcat@pacbell.net> wrote:
> I admit to being rather addicted to life;
"But I can quit any time I want to!"
> that's one of the reasons I read (and send some
> comments to) this list.
"Leading others astray!!"
> I was not aware this list itself was addictive...
"Ignorance is no excuse!"
...Now, excuse me whilst I satiate my email-checking
compulsion for another few minutes. ;-)
| Ziana Astralos |
| zianastralos@yahoo.com |
| http://www.anzwers.net/free/tech |
| |
| GCS/MC/IT/O d- s-:- a? C++++ U-- |
| P+ L W+++ N+ w+ M-- PS+++ PE Y+ |
| PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++ |
| D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r y- |
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