On 10 Apr 2000 19:59:24 +0200 Anders Sandberg <asa@nada.kth.se> wrote:
>"scerir@libero.it"<scerir@libero.it> writes:
>> Art, science: what is the (main) difference?
>> My opinion is simple.
>> Sciences have some "attractor-like" pattern.
>> Researchers "discover" exactly the same thing (law, theorem, ...).
>> Even in very different times, countries, "languages" '(i.e. quantum
>> mechanics).
>> That's definitely not true, in art.
>> Michelangelo is far from Raffaello, etc..
>> In art there's not a common language, world, meaning, aim,
>> object, etc.
>I think you have a point here, although I don't think this is the most
>important difference between art and science. Science is constrained
>by reality (or rather, it *seeks* constraints), while art has few
>constraints ( mainly some cultural and a few technical constraints)
>and actively tries to avoid them. Engineering is similar to art in
>this respect, although it is constrained by a deliberate purpose it
>has to achieve.
I think that I may be stealing a little here,
Science is a mirror that reflects Reality,
Art is the Tool that shapes it.
John Calvin
Woodinville WA
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