Randy Smith wrote:
> Sarah, if you want to be frozen after legal death (cryonics), you DON'T want
> to be an organ donor. As I understand it, in order to be an organ donor, you
> have to be in a certain medical condition with respect to your brain waves.
> This may require that a certain period of time pass after you stop
> breathing, or something to that effect; in any event, I have heard cryonics
> honchos such as Mike Darwin and/or Brian Wowk say that being an organ donor
> may well ruin your chances to get a good freeze.
So what you are saying is that you don't currently have a protocol for
neurosuspension customers to simulataneously have their heads guillotined and
suspended, while the rest of the organs get harvested? I think thats kind of
short sighted, don't you think? What better way to pay for your suspension than
off of auctioned off body parts? If you made this legal, suspension would
basically be free, so the perceived cost barrier (for those who don't think of,
or don't want to have to keep paying on, a life insurance policy just for the
suspension) is totally eliminated. Set this up as an accepted medical procedure,
and it can simply be a non-cash transaction between an organ donor center and
the donor. Donor centers might find it both profitable, and a good way to
diversify, to merge with a cryonic suspension organization.
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